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Third Party Request for Personal Data Form

Please provide as much information as possible to assist us with reviewing your request.

Please provide a date range for your request, this will help us find the information you need

Please note that if you are a Third-Party requesting CCTV footage, the request will be reviewed, and you will be contacted by the team processing your request by email. If your request is approved, and the personal data is being shared electronically, this will be shared through a secure sharing platform link (e.g., Egress or OneDrive). When the personal data is shared with you, there will be an automatic expiry set on the link of 90 days, after this point the link will become inactive, and the data will be inaccessible through this link. It is therefore important that, if you have any issues accessing the link, to inform the site team as soon as possible.

The personal data will only be retained by British Land until we have verified that the data has been downloaded by the third party or we have received confirmation of this, after which point the data will be deleted.

If you require us to share the requested personal data via a secure E-Link, please respond to the acknowledgement email with the E-link in the text of the email. We will upload the footage to the E-Link in line with your request.